Friday, March 2, 2012


The weather has finally warmed up here, and we've been able to get outside and play! I cannot tell you how happy this makes the boys.  I mention the words playground, or sandbox and they run to do whatever I ask of them (well, mostly James, but David does whatever James does). There are a number of fun places to play right by our apartment. Behind our apartment is a locked, gated, grassy courtyard area with a sandbox, a bbq grill, a picnic table, and some benches. It's a great place for the kids to run around and let off steam. We played there a bunch yesterday.

In front of our apartment, and across the road is a playground. It is different from a typical American playground. All the structures are wood, and it seems somehow less "safe" than an American playground would be. Actually this one is a bad example, but some of the playgrounds here have really, really tall slides or structures without any railings around at the top.  This playground has a wooden bridge type thing for balancing on, it looks sturdy, but I stood on it and fell off right away it's so wobbly! (you can see behind David in the picture with the slide) Overall though, I like the playgrounds here better, they're more interesting, and I like that they're not "plasticy" and hideous bright colors, they don't detract from the look of the neighborhood. We had a lot of fun playing at the playground today. The boys especially love the little house. It's just they're size and has tiny benches inside they can sit on.


  1. Love the pictures! You're right: the playgrounds appear markedly different at a glance, from what we see in the states. So sweet that James understands good behavior and rewards. He's a great example to David, especially because they're such good buddies. You've done a wonderful job keeping the sibling rivalry to a minimum.

    By the way, this is the second time I've had difficulty proving I'm not a robot.

    1. That is just what a robot would say to trick me...

  2. How sweet! Love the pictures!
